
I develop websites and web apps. If you're seeking a developer on your project, contact me here. I'm a Top Rated Plus freelancer on Upwork with a 100% job success rate.

Tools I use in web development:

I answer questions related to programming and web development on StackOverflow

profile for Christian Abbott on Stack Exchange
Portrait of Leonard Euler

I enjoy solving the math programming challenges listed on projecteuler.net

Project Euler progress
Portrait of William Shakespeare

I act in community theater productions of William Shakespeare plays, and have performed as:

Fun fact: I have seen performances of all 38 Shakespeare plays

Argentine tango performance

I have taught and performed Argentine Tango. Some unusual places I've danced:

  • a public library
  • summit of a butte
  • on a pier
  • inside an elevator
  • Macy's
  • Denny's
  • on a bridge
  • inside the U.S.'s largest bookstore
  • outside the Pantheon in Rome
  • a cathedral

I have worked in the Hollywood film music industry on films such as:

I hold a Bachelor of Music degree from Berklee. My graduation film music project is here.